How to write a Triton Client

How to write a Triton Client#

Standalone Python script#

In Athena#

Last update: 2021-07-01.

We developed a Trition tool in Athena to facilitate the use of Trition. The tool is called TritonTool link to code, which implements the inference interface, IAthInferenceTool.

Because the TritonClient is not yet installed in the Athena release (see the MR), we created a container that contains the TritonClient: docexoty/alma9-atlasos:with-triton-client. For the same reason, The example is only available at the triton_client branch of my fork,

We created an example to show how to use the TritonTool in Athena. The example is located in InnerDetector/InDetGNNTracking/src/GNNTrackFinderTritonTool.h link to code. Following are the steps to compile the code, setup the environment, and run the example at Perlmutter. Please adjust the steps for other platforms.